Specialty Coffee

Click on a coffee image below to learn more about that Specialty Bean!

What makes our coffee different:

Our Specialty Coffee Beans are slow roasted to make the acidity a low 4.5 

so even sensitive digestive systems can enjoy coffee again.

Our Specialty Coffee Beans are slow roasted to make the acidity a low 4.5 

so even sensitive digestive systems can enjoy coffee again.

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coffee Summaries

Colombian El Tiple Supremo Cafe Pitalito has rich chocolate notes with an undertone of rich caramel.

This coffee has a specialty Cup Score of 85.5. 

Tanzania Sonwe Hezya Peaberry Medium Roast has bright passionfruit notes with an undertone of dark chocolate. 

This coffee has a specialty Cup Score of 84.25 and a super low acidity of 5.

Tanzania Sonwe Hezya Peaberry Dark Roast has rich chocolate notes with an undertone of passionfruit. 

This coffee has a specialty Cup Score of 84.25 and a super low acidity of 5.

Guatemala Kafetos has a lighter and brighter chocolate falvor with a caramel undertone.  What make our roast unique is the way we are able to pull out the spicy and smokey notes as well as the main chocolate and caramel.  

This coffee has a Specilaty Cup Score of 88-90 with an acidity level of 4.5 due to our roasting technique

We are the only sellers of this rare, farm direct, specialty coffee bean in LA County.   

Blend #1 CTP+GK is a combination of our Colombian El Tiple Supremo Cafe Pitalito and Guatemala Kafetos.  These two Gourmet coffees compliment each other incredibly well as both have the main note of Chocolate with Caramel undertones, though in varying degrees. 

Our blend is a favorite amongst our customers as it has a variety of chocolate and caramel notes along with hints of spice and fruit.  

Blend #2 is a combination of our Tanzania and and Guatemala Kafetos dark roast coffees.  These two Gourmet coffees compliment each other incredibly well as both have the main note of Chocolate with underlying fruity notes. 

This coffee has a specialty Cup Score of around 86 and a super low acidity of 4.5.

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